This is the place for all things recovery, healing, and relationships. We explore a variety of topics with people in recovery and the professionals who help them through personal stories. This podcast will give you a broad look at the aspects of recovery that make a difference.

Monday Apr 16, 2018
Episode 79: Male Partners of Sex Addicts
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
We recently received an email from a listener who is a male partner of a female sex addict. He rightly observed that there are some special challenges in healing in those circumstances.
We are dedicating this epsiode today to examine why it can be extra painful for men who are with female sex addicts to get the help and support they may need.
We also mentioned resources for male sex addicts looking for qualified therapists to help them. www.sexhelp.com and https://www.apsats.org/specialists#!directory/map are good places to start.
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