This is the place for all things recovery, healing, and relationships. We explore a variety of topics with people in recovery and the professionals who help them through personal stories. This podcast will give you a broad look at the aspects of recovery that make a difference.

Monday Nov 13, 2017
Episode 59: Dan Griffin and the 'Man Rules'
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Monday Nov 13, 2017
Dan Griffin talked with us recently about his work understanding men and men's issues. Dan is the host of the fantastic Man Rules Podcast and is known for his unique way of approaching men and men's issues. We talk about the concept of 'man rules' and 'women rules' and look at some recent events that highlight what is and isn't working with modern manhood.
You can connect with more of Dan's work at www.dangriffin.com or on Facebook @dangriffinma or on Twitter @authordgriffin.